Tuesday 1 December 2015

B. Sc. III  Curriculum (Theory) Semester -VI

B. Sc. III (Theory)
Semester -VI
Paper XIX
(Genetics and Biotechnology)
(45 L)
Unit : 1
1. Mendelism:                                                                                                                         (04)
i. Introduction -G.J. Mendel
ii. Mendelian principles –Law of Dominance , law of segregation, law of
independent assortment, back cross and test cross
2. Interaction of genes:                                                                                                           (07)
i. Allelic interaction: incomplete dominance, co dominance, lethal genes and blood group inheritance
ii. Non allelic and non epistatic -comb shapes in fowls
iii. Non allelic and epistatic:
a) Complementary genes or duplicate recessive epistasis (9:7)
b) Supplementary genes or recessive epistasis (9:3:4)
c) Dominant epistatic genes or dominant epistasis (12:3:1)
d) Duplicate genes or duplicate dominant epistasis (15:1)
3. Sex determination:                                                                                                              (04)
i. Chromosomal theory of sex determination
ii. Mechanism of sex determination in man (xx -xy), Drosophila (xx and xy),birds (zz-zw), grasshopper (xx-xo) and genic balance theory in Drosophila
iii. Sex determination in plants – Melandrium
Unit : 2
1. Sex linked inheritance: X, XY and Y linked inheritance:                                                  (07)
i) Colourblindness and hemophilia in man ii) Holandric genes
iii) White eye colour in Drosophila iv) Gynandromorphs
2. Structure and function of gene:                                                                                          (08)
i. Fine structure of gene (Seymour Benzer)
ii. One gene one enzyme hypothesis
iii. Genes and related diseases – phenylketonuria, and alkaptonuria
iv. Detection of genetic diseases –amniocentesis Genetic counseling
Unit: 3
Biotechnology:                                                                                                                        (15)
1. Concept of genetic engineering and recombinant DNA technology
2. Restriction endonucleases, their properties and uses
3. Cloning vectors -plasmids and phage vectors
4. Techniques of genetic engineering -isolation of desired gene, gene cloning,
transfer of gene into plants
5. Applications of genetic engineering


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