Sunday 29 November 2015

 B Sc II curriculum for semester IV


Faculty of Science

B. Sc. II Year (Theory)
Semester - IV

Paper - XI

Gymnosperms and Utilization of Plants
45 L



Salient features, classification as per Sporne 1965, economic importance.
Geological time scale, fossilization, types of fossils, Lyginopteris, fossil fuels.
Contributions of Prof. Birbal Sahani.
Study of morphology, anatomy, reproduction (excluding developmental stages)

and graphical representation of life cycle of the following types:

a)  Cycadales – Cycas

b)  Coniferales – Pinus

c)  Gnetales - Gnetum


Utilization of Plants:

Domestication of plants and their centers of origin.
History, origin, cultivation, harvesting, improved varieties and economic importance

of the following plants:
i. Food plants – Wheat, Jowar.

ii. Sugar – Sugarcane.

iii. Fibers -Cotton, Jute.

iv. Vegetable oils – Groundnut, Sunflower.

v. Beverages – Tea, Coffee.

vi. Mushroom e. g. (Oyster) Pleurotus.

Botanical name, family name and economic importance of the following plants:

i. Medicinal plants – Korphad, Aswagandha, Turmeric and Nirgudi. ii. Timber and Gum – Teak, Neem, Babul, Sisham.

iii. Cosmetics and Perfumes – Rose, Mogara, Tuberose.

iv. Spices – Clove, Black pepper, Cumin, Coriander, Cinnamon.



Faculty of Science

B.Sc. II year (Practical)
Semester -IV

Paper -XIII

Gymnosperms and Utilization of plants
(Based on paper no - XI)

Gymnosperms: a) Cycas

i. Habit, young leaf, bulbils, male cone, microsporophyll, megasporophyll, pollen grains, mature seed.
ii. Study through permanent slides-Normal root (T.S.). Stem (T.S.), Ovule (L.S.). iii. Study through hand section-Coralloid root (T.S.), Rachis (T.S.), Leaflet (T.S.). b) Pinus

i.  Habit, long and dwarf shoot, scale leaves, foliage leaves, male cone, female cone, pollen grains (W.M.), winged seed.
ii.  Study through hand sections and permanent slides Root (T.S.), Stem (T.S.), Needle (T.S.).

iii.  Study through permanent slide - T.L.S. & R.L.S. of stem, L.S. of male cone, L.S. of female cone. c) Gnetum
i) Habit, T. S. of Stem, Male cone and female cone.


a) Types of fossils (Specimens).

b) Lygynopteris (Specimen / Permanent slide).

Utilization of plants:

a)  Food plants – Study of the morphology, structure,and histochemical tests of food storing tissue in Jowar & Wheat.
b)  Histochemical test of lignin and cellulose.

c)  Cultivation of Oyster (Pleurotus) mushroom on agricultural waste.

d)  Vegetable oils – hand section of Groundnut & Sunflower Seed and staining of oil droplets by Sudan III.
e)  Study of the sources of Timber, Gum, Medicinal plants, Cosmotics and Perfumes.

f)  Study of Black pepper, Clove, Cinnamon, Cumin, Coriander.

f) Field notebook, specimen collection, and tour report.


Saturday 28 November 2015

Welcome students classes of second fourth and sixth semester will commence from tomorrow

Saturday 7 November 2015

Arts Science and Commerce College, Naldurg is opening for second semester from 23, November 2015